The best part of any conference is Sunday morning after everybody danced together the night before at the gala dinner. As the first song comes on, participants are still shy - but after some glasses of relaxation, snapping fingers and the Macarena, the smiling dancing connects people like no other activity can.

In this 3-day-festival we start with the dancing.

Berlin Change Days festival is coming to Barcelona and we are celebrating S h i f t.

DAY 1 - OCTOBER 25, 2024
Friday night beach dance party. That's a shift. Meet the crew from Barcelona.
This will be a private public beach party of friends of friends.
Buy just this ticket for 10€ including 2 drinks at our serve yourself bar.
The BCN Studio, C/ d´Elkano 26 1A, Poblesec, Barcelona 08004
Together we will co-create this festival. These metaconversations about how to have everyone's voice heard, will be almost as valuable as the activities themselves. Anyone in our field realizes that we must create spaces where introverts can share. New Habits. Speaking of Habits...the latest research in Change Management by Europe's leaders in Change will be shared. Come share best practices for habit changes whether you are a coach, trainer, or human who has actually come through on your New Year's Resolutions.
DAY 3 - OCTOBER 27, 2024
Good morning, we danced last night didn't we? We start with our dynamic Group Experiences- after beach exercise for the early seagull birds- We have Open Space where you contribute your ideas and we do them immediately. Your session might be about psychedelics, ecstatic dance or mindfullness. After Lunch is served, we do a silent Quest at the Labyrinth of Barcelona. The 2.5 day festival on Habits ends with an afternoon at the beach with some fun.

Why S h i f t ?

The organising team is inspired by “Atomic Habits”, neuro-habits, quantum physics and most importantly - the power of joy to motivate us to establish habits that make us step up into our power.

Key lessons from latest research by the University of Pennsylvania on what changes behaviours show that

1) Motivation, skills, and knowledge are overrated.

We must focus LESS on changing participants Skills, Beliefs, Emotions or Knowledge rather,

2) We must target habits.

The most impactful person-focused interventions?
Habit change efforts. Which help people to shift their automated routines.

3) We must make the right behaviour effortless.

This evidence SHOULD force a reboot in how we do Coaching, Culture change, Business transformation, Training and development.

We must face the facts. Now. If you want a new approach to behaviour change, we want you with us. Join with your best game stoppers; your best social supports and your favorite resources. How do you make the habits stick? Let’s play with them.


Barber Sant Joan.

Get a 20€ haircut the week of the festival.

Conveniently located at ¨Verdeguer¨ metro L5 blue line at address: Paseo de Sant Joan 141, 08037 Barcelona

Impressum / Imprint

Barcelona Change Days
Jessica Breitenfeld

Barcelona, Spain